Inner-city University

Examination Events per Year


Exams per Examination Event


Sittings per Examination Event


Full-time Staff


Before Implementing
Databee Exams Manager

After Implementing
Databee Exams Manager

1 Purple 05

1-2 weeks / 1.0 staff

1 Purple 02

4.0 days / 1.0 staff

1 Green 04

3.0 days / 1.0 staff

1 Green 04

3.0 days / 1.0 staff

1 Red 03

5.0 days / 1.0 staff

1 Red 02

0.5 days / 1.0 staff

1 Blue 01

5.0 days / 1.0 staff

1 Blue 06

1-2 weeks / 1.0 staff

1 Purple 09

0.5 days / 1.0 staff

1 Purple 09

1.0 day / 1.0 staff

Further Comments

I really can't answer this survey in a way that's fair to the Databee product. Prior to Databee our exams office was quite a limited entity, that only has one casual person coordinating the bare basics of 2 main exam events (scheduling, & supervisors-in-charge).

Exams Office functions were very limited by the software that we had for the 10 years prior. I didn't collect papers for printing, I didn't collate attendance data. We did not run off-campus exams. Our implementation of Databee also coincided with the commencement of Online Learning here, resulting in a new need for facilitating off-campus exams.

I schedule 4 times more supervisors, AAA students & venues now that we have Databee. We coordinate students sitting at 45+ external exam centers, and communicate exam timetables directly to students email now.

Since Databee, the exams processes have centralized, and we gather requirements & papers directly from Course Coordinators each semester.

Despite these additional duties and increase in numbers, we still only have:

  • 1 full-time permanent person fully coordinating exams operations
  • 1 almost full-time casual exams assistant
  • 1 additional full-time casual for around 8-10 weeks for each main exam period.

We handle all requirements gathering, scheduling, timetable publications, paper printing & logistics (including packing), off-campus exams, AAA adjustments and sittings, supervisors, recording attendance, recording incidents and enquiries, etc.

So my "before" Databee answers really can't translate directly to our "after Databee" processes - if that makes sense. I am also happy to discuss any Databee related questions you may have at any time.