Large 'Group of Eight' University
Examination Events per Year
Exams per Examination Event
Sittings per Examination Event
Full-time Staff
Before Implementing
Databee Exams Manager
After Implementing
Databee Exams Manager
Further Comments
Clarification for some of our responses:
Exam Master Preparations: this is was managed by exam team, Schools and external printer, however Databee processes have reduced paper preparation tasks required by Schools and exam team. Accuracy and consistency of information on exam paper coversheets
has increased. Exam paper security has increased. Exam paper tracking is automated with barcode scanning.
Incident reporting: although it appears no time saved, ability to extract data for reporting is a bonus. We are still reviewing this process as manual data entry of each report is required.
Recording attendance: this has been answered with external student exam processes in mind. We have not implemented barcode scanning of id cards for internal students yet.
Overall, Databee has proven to be a positive step providing an increase in efficiency and effectiveness of processes across the whole spectrum: exam data collection; data transfer from Peoplesoft; managing concurrent exams; exam allocation; timetable
extraction/formatting/publication; external student management; alternative exam management; exam paper print management and tracking; invigilator rostering and communication; reporting; student communications.