Exams Manager Case Study – University of Queensland and University of Newcastle
Clients: | The University of Newcastle, Australia and The University of Queensland |
Project Title: | Implementation of Databee Exams Manager |
No. of Users: | The University of Newcastle, Australia – 111,000 students and 7 staff |
The University of Queensland – 118,000 students and 7 staff | |
Client Endorsement
“We went live with Exams Manager in 2011. After many years of using several outdated and unsupported Access databases to run examinations, Exams Manager provides a stable and integrated system. The Databee staff were highly accessible through the whole implementation stage and continue to be responsive to requests for enhancements or support. The implementation of Exams Manager has streamlined business processes, allowed for improved performance and has definitely enhanced customer provision for students and staff within Schools of the University.”
Julie Powter and Julia Rolph – Managers, Examinations and Timetabling, University of Newcastle
“Databee’s Exams Manager System is very user-friendly and provides far more functionality than was initially expected. There have been extensive improvements and efficiencies across all areas of exam operations, enabling the provision of a much better service to our students and staff.”
Teresa Charlton – Manager, Student Administration, The University of Queensland

The Challenge
Each university was working with multiple spread sheets and databases. All data entry was manual which was not only time consuming but open to human error and inaccuracies.
They needed to find a system which integrated all data streams, enabled data tracking and could provide optimal and personalised timetabling online. The objective was to implement a system which offered easier and more efficient management of all student exam requirements.

The Solution
Both the Universities of Newcastle and Queensland needed a new business system which could resolve the ongoing struggle to publish examination timetables online. The challenge was to find a system which could manage multiple exam events every year, students based over several campuses, tens of thousands of students plus the addition of
an overseas campus and remote students.
For The University of Newcastle the implementation of the Databee Exams Manager system began in November
2010 and was fully operational in time for the trimester and semester exam events in 2011. This swift and efficient implementation timeline was repeated for The University of Queensland later in 2011.
The existing student data in multiple systems were integrated into one single database. This single source of data also ensured there was a smooth integration into both the University’s existing IT infrastructure and other systems including links to the HR database.
Within 3-4 months the Exams Office staff had been trained in all aspects of the new system including the use of barcocde scanners to scan exam papers using laptops and iPads.
Databee staff worked closely with Exams Office staff to ensure the system was, and remains, responsive to the ongoing requirements of the universities. Regular updates and improvements to the system have been implemented over the last 4 years.
The Result
For both Universities the overwhelming benefits from implementing Databee Exams Manager have been time saving, accuracy and an improved student experience.
Using barcode scanners to scan completed bundles of exam papers meant the Exams Office had accurate real-time data on the exam papers location and it freed up the staff’s time to focus on improving the quality and accuracy of the service provided. Having standard exam covers and letter formats, all easily accessible, has not only improved the professional quality and consistency of outgoing correspondence, it has also made things quicker and easier for staff to process. Sending pay data directly to the University HR system allowed for more timely pay for casual exam staff. Traditionally, casual staff could wait long periods without getting paid but improvements offered by Databee Exams Manager has now resulted in better Exam Supervisor staff retention year on year.
Another key benefit for both staff and students has been the system’s ability to identify exam clashes and produce an optimal exam timetable across all exam events as well as providing an improved service in meeting the needs of the students with specific needs.
For students, all data is now available in ‘real’ time. This means personalised exam timetables can be emailed to each student and the Databee Exam Manager system keeps records of all correspondence for tracking purposes