Exams Manager Case Study – University of Queensland and University of Newcastle
Clients: The University of Newcastle, Australia and The University of Queensland Project Title: Implementation of Databee Exams Manager No. of Users: The University of Newcastle, Australia – 111,000 students and 7 staff The University of Queensland – 118,000 students and 7 staff Client Endorsement “We went live with Exams Manager in 2011. After…
Exams Manager Case Study – University of South Australia
Clients: University of South Australia Project Title: Implementation of Databee Exams Manager No. of Users: University of South Australia has over 36,000 students across 4 campuses around Adelaide and 2 locations in regional Australia. The Exams Office has 4FTE staff. Client Endorsement “Incorporating Exams Manager into our business processes is the best move we’ve made.”…
Exams Manager Case Study – Charles Sturt University
Clients: Charles Sturt University Project Title: Implementation of Databee Exams Manager No. of Users: A regional NSW university, CharlesSturt is a multi-campus institution and a major provider of distance learning. The University caters for over 30,000 students and the Exams Office has 4 staff . Client Endorsement “Databee was our product of choice as it…