Exams Manager
Making Exams Management Easy
Specialised higher education software for examinations management
Databee Exams Manager is a system designed to manage every aspect of an Examinations Office within a University or Higher Education Institution.
Our product is uniquely designed for Examination Offices by a team with specialist knowledge of software design and examinations.
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Exams Manager has every process covered
In 2016, an Australian University conducted a survey of Databee Exams Manager Users. The survey assessed how long the Universities spent on key exam tasks before and after they implemented Databee Exams Manager. The results were surprising even for us!
Clients have experienced significant benefits in terms of time, cost and quality assurance.
Before Implementing
Databee Exams Manager
After Implementing
Databee Exams Manager

4-5 weeks / 4+ staff

2-3 weeks / 2.0 staff
The full results of the survey are available here.
For privacy reasons the names of all the universities have been anonymised.
Request a Demonstration
Request a demonstration to see Exams Manager in action